Psalm 131

Read: Psalm 131:1 – 3; 1 Samuel 17:28;  James 4:10

Psalm 130 is a cry for help and a confession of sin. Psalm 131 is an expression of humility and calmness that comes with forgiveness of sin and rest in the Lord.

Think About It: How is humility defined Psalm 131:1? David’s eldest brother Eliab charged him with pride (1 Samuel 17:28). Why was this charge baseless?  Does my life give evidence of humility as defined by Psalm 131:1?

Prayer: For humility.


Read: Psalm 131:1; 2 Corinthians 10:13; Romans 12:3; Deuteronomy 29:29

One aspect of humility as defined by Psalm 131:1 is not being occupied with things too great or marvelous.  This implies understanding our limitations and the scope of our strengths, and encourages reliance on God, with whom all things are possible.

Think About It: Do I understand my limitations? Am I willing to accept that there are many things beyond my understanding?

Prayer: Praise God that with Him all things are possible.


Read: Psalm 131:1; Psalm 1:2; Psalm 63:6; Psalm 121:1; Psalm 123:1; Psalm 143:5.

Psalm 131:1 raises the questions of what things were within David’s scope, what things did he think about, to what did he lift his eyes?

Think About It: Based on the Scripture references for today what things did David consider to be within his scope? What occupied his thoughts? What is my proper scope? What occupies my thoughts?

Prayer: That I might always look to God and that my thoughts might dwell on Him and His Word.


Read: Psalm 131:2; Psalm 4:4; Psalm 30:12; 1 Samuel 18:7, 9; 24:6; 30:6

David used the image of a weaned child resting on its mother’s lap as a picture of the way his soul rested in the Lord.   Saul feared that David would use his popularity to grasp the throne, but David would not lift up his hand against the Lord’s anointed, instead trusting in God to deal with Saul. When his own people wanted to stone him after the sack of Ziklag, David encouraged his heart in the Lord.

Think About It: Are there other examples in David’s life of this quiet rest in the Lord?  Were there times when he fell short of this ideal life of rest and trust in God? How about meam I resting in the Lord?

Prayer: That I might learn to rest in God.


Read: Psalm 131:2; Isaiah 30:15; Hebrews 4:1 – 11

The image of the weaned child in Psalm 131:2 reminds us that when we are spiritual newborns our condition is like that of a nursing infant, reliant upon the breast or bottle, and very unhappy when we don’t receive instant gratification. Spiritual maturity comes as we learn to endure the loss of what we once desired and relied on, becoming content without what we once deemed indispensable.

Think About It: What do I think I must have – what is indispensable? What does Jesus say is the one thing that is necessary (Luke 10:42)?

Prayer: That I might be content in God.

Read: Psalm 131:2; Psalm 46:10; Habakkuk 2:2; Mark 6:31

The picture of the weaned child resting content on its mother’s lap suggests the spiritual practice of silence before God. Our culture is very noisy. We need to take care that with all of our listening and talking we do not fail to become quiet and simply rest in the Lord.

Think About It: Do I have a “quiet time?” Is it difficult for me to be quiet? What do I need to do about it?

Prayer: For God’s help in being silent and restful before Him.


Read: Psalm 131:3; Isaiah 40:31; Romans 4:20 – 21

David turned his personal experience into an exhortation for all of Israel, meaning the whole people of God, which today includes all Christians. He defined the essence of humility and calmness as waiting and hoping in God.  The temporal scope of that waiting and hoping starts now and extends to eternity.

Think About It: According to Romans 4:20 – 21 how did Abraham illustrate hope and waiting upon the Lord? Do I believe God can and will do what He has promised? What is the answer to the question, “How long, O Lord?”

Prayer: Praise God that hope in Him does not disappoint.