Psalm 63

Read: Psalm 63; 1 John 2:15 – 17; Romans 13:14; Ephesians 2:3

Psalm 63 is about finding satisfaction in God. This is in contrast to the “lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life,” which do not satisfy.

Think About It:  Why can’t the things of this world provide satisfaction according to 1 John 5:17? Am I guilty of seeking satisfaction from things that are destined to pass away?

Prayer: For God’s deliverance from the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life.


Read: Psalm 63:1; Psalm 9:10, 27:8; 40:16

Augustine wrote of God,Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.” David showed us how to find satisfaction in God. David sought God earnestly, with his whole being– his soul (his mind and spirit) and his flesh. He was totally dedicated in his pursuit of God.

Think About It: Does my soul yearn for God? Am I totally dedicated in my pursuit of God?

Prayer: For whole-hearted devotion to God.


Read: Psalm 63:1; 2 Timothy 4:10; John 3:1; Micah 3:2; 1 Timothy 6:10

Another way David found satisfaction in God was by not finding  satisfaction in the world. He recognized the world as a desert, a dry and dreary place.  The illusion of satisfaction in this world led Demas to desert Paul in a time of need.  Love of this world and its pleasures leads us away from God.

Think About It: Do I love the things of this world? What evidence have I seen that proves this world is a “dry and weary land” that can provide no lasting satisfaction?

Prayer: That I might have a true perception of the barrenness of the things of this world and a greater appreciation for the things of God.


Read: Psalm 63:2 – 4, 27:4 – 6, 5:7; 138:2

Another way David found satisfaction in God was through seeking Him through worship in the tabernacle. David learned to see God in His power and glory when he engaged in formal worship. As a shepherd boy, David must have learned to “worship God in nature” as an individual and informally, but as a mature man it was in formal worship that he experienced the satisfaction of God’s power and glory.

Think About It: How do I experience God’s power and glory? In what circumstances do I feel God’s presence most clearly?  Where does formal worship fit into my life? Is it the priority that it should be?

Prayer: For awareness of God’s presence, power, and glory in worship.


Read: Psalm 63:3; 17:7; 26:3; 36:7, 10; 138:2; Lamentations 3:22 – 23

The term “lovingkindess,” translating the Hebrew chesed, appears 26 times in the King James version, mostly in the Psalms. Another way David found satisfaction in God was by focusing his thoughts on God’s lovingkindness towards Him. God’s lovingkindness is His mercy expressed in loving actions towards us.

Think About It: What are some ways I have experienced God’s lovingkindness?  When have I most recently experienced that lovingkindness? According to Jeremiah in Lamentations, how often can I expect to experience God’s lovingkindness? Do I think about these things often enough? Do I thank God for His lovingkindess?

Prayer: Thank God for His tender mercy and lovingkindness.


Read: Psalm 63:6 – 8; 27:8; 40:16; 1:2; 4:4

Yet another way David found satisfaction in God was through meditation “in the night watches.” As a shepherd and a soldier, David spent many long nights in waking vigils and learned to turn His thoughts to God in prayer and meditation. He prepared for the coming day on the night before.

Think About It: What was the content of David’s meditation according to Psalm 63:7 – 8? Do I “meditate in the night watches”? Is this something I could do more of?

Prayer: That I might remember to pray and meditate on God and His word during wakeful hours of the night.


Read: Psalm 63:5, 9 – 11; 17:15; 36:8, 19; Proverbs 16:7

As a result of David’s wholehearted pursuit of God he was “satisfied as with marrow and fatness” and he was delivered from his enemies.

Think About It: David seemed to have a systematic way of finding satisfaction in God. Do I have a system for seeking God?  Am I confident that my ways please the Lord?

Prayer: Psalm 19:14: “May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.”